Adult Sunday School
Join a class to grow in Faith and understanding of God, His calling, and connection with each other!
First Presbyterian offers a variety of adult classes for everyone to grow in their faith and their understanding of who God is and what God is calling us to do in the world. There are particular Bible studies held separately for men and women in addition to a variety of discussion-based classes for both genders. A visitor will notice two aspects about all of the adult classes at First Presbyterian: First, although many of the classes can be comprised of people similar in age, many people choose an adult class based on the content and style of the study. Second, and more importantly, anyone is welcome to attend any adult class and all who attend are welcomed!
Carrick Sunday School Class Party, Summer 2021
Adults: Please check out class contacts and join a Sunday School Class. You can find current topics in the Newsletter on Thursdays, or call the church office at (865) 546-2531. For more info on Adult Ministries, please contact Mary Wilson at mary@fpcknox.org.
Carrick Class:
This class is for adults of all ages and meets in the Heritage Classroom A and is led by Debbie Christiansen and Debbie Jones. You can contact the class contact (Debbie Jones) for more info at fff1954@comcast.net.
Discipleship Class:
This class is for adults of all ages and meets in the Courtyard A on the same level as the Family Life Center. You can contact the class contact, Judy Cagle, for more info at barlach4227@yahoo.com.
Foundation Builders Class:
This class is for adults of all ages, meets in Heritage Classroom B and is led by Ginny and Bill Morrow. You can contact the Morrows for more info at twomorrow@bellsouth.net.
All New Adult Class (not yet named):
The new adult Sunday School class for is for singles and parents of kids, youth and college students and meets in the James Park classroom on the 2nd floor. Email Preston Smith at prestonsmith07@gmail.com or Diana Curtis at diana.curtis11@gmail.com for more info.